Vagabond, Hobo, Free-Spirit, Bum. Add just a touch more commercial drive, a laptop, and craft brewery wifi signal… and now I get to call myself the auspicious sounding, Digital Nomad. I use the same technology that used to make me feel like I never left work, to make it look like I never leave my vacation. As I roam, I write!

The mission of Truck Bed Trekking is to provide a resource for people looking to travel more. I want to inspire others to seek out their own adventure and to provide them the information necessary to do so.

I believe that travel is one of the best ways to grow as a person. By traveling we are exposed to new foods, experiences, and cultures that help us understand others better. But furthermore, we also gain a better understanding of ourselves in leaving comfort zones behind and attacking new challenges.

You came to this page looking for for who I am, but I left to go find out.